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First fall webinar is September 12

Continuing Forward is returning from its summer hiatus, with plans for a new series of online webinars this fall.

Our next webinar will be September 12, at a special time: 11am EDT. The topic is: Why should Anglican parishes host a homeschool network?

Our speaker will be Canon Zachary Braddock of the Church of the Epiphany in Columbia, S.C., the cathedral church of the Diocese of the Holy Cross. Our guest interviewer will be Father Hayden Butler of St. Matthew’s, Newport Beach, Calif., in the Diocese of the Holy Trinity.

Meanwhile during the summer we posted the videos for our last two speakers:

  • May 16: Fr. Michael Vinson discussed church planting in community; video is here

  • June 20: Fr. Brian Oldfield talked about starting a K-12 school at his Anglican parish; video is here

Thank you for all your support. We hope to see you on September 12.

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