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Joel West

Wednesday: Reorienting mission around spiritual formation

This Wednesday at noon EST, the November Continuing Forward webinar will feature Bp. Stephen Scarlett, Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the Holy Trinity (ACC), and rector of St. Matthew's in Newport Beach, California. He will be interviewed by Joel West, one of his parishioners, who is the ACC representative on the Continuing Forward executive committee.

Bp. Scarlett at opening session of October 2024 retreat

Bp. Scarlett is well known in the Continuum for decades of advocating new approaches to evangelism and mission. (His speech on evangelism at the 2023 Anglican Joint Synods is available on our YouTube channel.)

Since 2015, he has been developing a new approach to spiritual formation and parish renewal that he calls “Remnant Mission,” named for Martin Thornton’s theory of a parish “remnant.” To date, more than 140 people have participated in his program of advanced lay ministry training — originally from St. Matthew's and its nearby sister parishes, but increasingly from across the country.

In October 2024, he hosted his second (biennial) national retreat in Lake Dallas for those interested in the Remnant Mission approach, engaging the attendees in discussion of how key ideas could be (or already are) developed in their home parishes.

Come here Bp Scarlett talk about his experience building evangelism and mission, why believes spiritual formation is the key to success, and the latest on last month’s retreat. The Zoom link is here.

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Nov 04, 2024

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