This Thursday’s webinar is a panel discussion about how a church can use Advent and Christmas to reach the community. Our panelists will include
Canon Steven Dart: Rector, Christ Anglican Church, Carefree, Arizona (APCK)
Fr. Andrew Faust: Rector, St. Paul’s Anglican, Portland, Maine (ACA)
Fr. Peter Joslyn, Assistant Priest, St. Alban’s Anglican Cathedral, Ovideo, Florida (APA)
The panel will be interviewed by Canon Matt Mirabile, co-founder of Continuing Forward and Rector of Trinity Anglican in Rochester, N.H.
As usual, the session will begin at noon EST. The Zoom link is here.
The panelists will share ideas about how to use the beginning of the liturgical year to raise the visibility of the parish, attract first-time visitors and perhaps engage C&E Christians.
Please join us live and bring your questions and suggestions for our veteran panel.
Panelists: Cn. Dart, Fr. Faust, Fr. Joslyn. Cn. Mirabile